Register for Adult Ed Classes in San Mateo County

You are so close to your new future! To register for adult ed classes in San Mateo County, you need to contact the school to register in person or online, depending on the school. Each school handles registration differently, so the first step is to check out the school website to find out what you need to do. The schools generally include registration information on the homepage or on the program page.

If you don’t yet have an adult school in mind, find adult schools near you on this map and visit the website to see if they offer the program you have in mind. If you already know which school you want to attend, skip down to Adult Schools in San Mateo County to link to the school’s website.

Adult Schools in San Mateo County

Jefferson Adult Education (Daly City)
La Costa Adult School (Half Moon Bay)
San Mateo Adult School
Sequoia District Adult Education (Menlo Park)
South San Francisco Adult Education

More Information About Adult Education in San Mateo County